When the pandemic shuttered businesses in March of 2020, Food Connection pivoted its model of service to purchasing chef-prepared meals to distribute to communities in need. As businesses began to re-open in 2021, Food Connection began to operate a hybrid model of service, distributing both rescued surplus food and purchased chef meals.
In 2021, Food Connection served a total of 84,899 freshly prepared heat and serve meals through nonprofit partners and curbside distributions. On a weekly basis, Food Connection distributes bulk volumes of rescued food to 16 agencies that feed a combined 1,312 individuals. Food recipient partners in Buncombe County include ABCCM’s Veterans Restoration Quarters and Transformation Village, WNC Rescue Mission, the Salvation Army, Church of the Advocate, Trinity Place Youth Shelter, Loving Food Resources, Black Mountain Home for Children, Hope for Tomorrow, and Black Mountain Welcome Table.
On a weekly basis, Food Connection distributes individually packaged meals into low wealth communities, serving over 200 individuals. These community distributions include two mobile home communities in Swannanoa and our weekly Swannanoa Drive-Thru free meal distribution. All are welcome!
This summer, Food Connection will be launching their Mobile Meals “Complimentary Food Truck Experience.” This food truck will rescue food from catered events, repackage the food into individual heat-and-serve meals, and go directly into communities to share, free of charge. There will be a selection of items and a menu to give folks choices, just like a real food truck experience, but for no cost.