This is the case for 20-year-old, Jordan Rodgers. A freshman at Warren Wilson College, Rodgers has volunteered at Owen Middle School at the weekly Community Night featuring Homework Diners since she began college. Her reasoning for dedicating a few hours weekly to the local middle school comes from her experiences. “I had the support when I was young,” said Rodgers, “ I had people step in and were there for me for some of the rough stuff I’ve been through.”
Being a Gen Z’er, Rodgers is the newest generation of adult volunteers. However, she does note how uncommon it is to see her peers out in the community. With all that happens in your early 20s, from college to just figuring out how you want to live your life, Rodger sees why volunteering may not seem like a viable option for many Gen Z’ers. But from her first-hand experience, Rodgers wants to encourage her peers to explore community engagement as a way to discover new things about themselves.