Shifting Gears to Meet a New School Year at Owen Middle
A new school year in a pandemic means an entirely new set of needs and support systems for teachers, students, administrators, and the many organizations that work alongside them. Josh Wells, United Way Community School Coordinator at Owen Middle School, says he's prepared for the challenge, exploring a whole new world of virtual tutors, small scale learning pods outside the school building, and opportunities for increased connectivity and access around the school district.
Finding A New Normal...
He's working with community partners as they shift and adjust how they typically meet students as volunteers, mentors, and care providers. "Even though it's only this week that we're in-person together, I have really enjoyed seeing many of the students outside the screen again," he says. "It still doesn't feel normal, but seeing the smiling eyes of the kids has really been a highlight of my week."
( *Photo on left from Owen Middle School of a student in-class during the first week)