This story was shared with the United Way of Asheville and Buncombe staff from out-of-state volunteer Pat Leuzzi. Out of the blue, UWABC staff got a lovely email with a document attached -- it was Pat sharing his experiences using Hands On to connect with several local organizations doing Helene relief and recovery work. As staff, we always love to read about your experiences. They inform our work, motivate us, and fuel our dedication to ensuring that ALL people in our community can thrive.
If you are inspired to share your experiences with Hands On Asheville Buncombe email our Content Creator, Brenna Pepke at
Pat Leuzzi 12/14/24
I recently drove to Asheville, North Carolina to do volunteer work. My decision to help was two-fold. Yes, I wanted to help with their recovery, even in a small way, but the other reason was to spend as much time as I could with my daughter Dawn. This was my recovery for the love I have for her. My wonderful cousin Susan who lived in Old Fort, North Carolina, about thirty miles from Asheville invited me to stay at her house for the time I was there.
I registered with the organization called Hands On Asheville-Boncombe. Their website listed many volunteer opportunities to choose from and I selected four different ones, each one with different tasks and each one in different places. Big Ivy Community Center, Appalachian Community Relief, Haywood Street Congregation, and Equal Plates Project Central. I spent eleven days on volunteer projects, and as always in my support of organizations that need help, I get more out of it than I feel I put in. They were all well-organized and coordinated tasks that were needed quickly. There were two that stood out more than the others but Equal Plates will be remembered because much of my time was spent in a freezer.