Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I moved to Asheville in 2016 but grew up in Indiana. Most of my work experience has been in children's ministry, providing and creating resources, events, and programs to support and build relationships with children and families. Each professional experience has taught me that families are one of the most important influences on a child and teenager’s life and every parent, grandparent and guardian needs support, access to resources, and encouragement.
Give us a glimpse into your role at United Way. How do you help us fulfill our mission? What are you most excited about accomplishing as a team?
I am a part of the community engagement team specifically working with community nights featuring homework diners. The community nights offer a space for students and families to gather together to share a meal and have access to community resources. I am excited to be a part of a team that works with the community and schools to reach a common goal.
What’s your favorite thing about our community?
The beautiful mountains and friendly people.
What would we find you doing when you aren’t at work?
I love to go for hikes with my dog, watch tv or read, and spend time with friends.
Do you have any podcast, book, music, or movie recommendations?
I love the Next Right Thing podcast with Emily P Freeman.