Top 5 Blogs of 2017

It's the end of the year so obviously we are required by law to conduct SOME kind of "Best of 2017" list. So we thought we'd share the most popular blogs from the past year, just in case you missed them. And if you'd like to help ensure that work like this continues, you can do so right now by making a one time gift or setting up a recurring donation right here.


Number 5: Early Warning and Response System

April, 2017 - This blog is a good one because we've embedded a short video from the Frontline video about the research that stands behind our new Early Warning and Response System that we've built in partnership with Asheville City Schools and Buncombe County Schools and the other members of our local Middle Grades Network. Since writing this blog we've really ramped up the use of the Early Warning and Response System; today there are 7 schools and 12 community nonprofits that are either actively and heavily using the tool or are about to be in the coming weeks. 


Number 4: Breakfast Buddies

June, 2016 - This blog was written more than a year ago but it's still popular. Hands On Asheville-Buncombe is United Way's volunteer center and our staff is working hard to drive volunteers toward our Middle Grades Network partners like Big Brothers Big Sisters, Girls On The Run, Delta House, In Real Life and more. In addition we are are helping to get more caring adults into our schools and Breakfast Buddies is one way we can help students who need extra support but can't stay after school to get it. Check out this blog and video about the experience of one volunteer. 


Number 3: Hunger and Food Insecurity In Our Community

February, 2017 - Earlier this year Carolina Public Press, a local news outlet, hosted a forum on the issues of hunger, food deserts and food insecurity. Several United Way staff members attended the event and used this blog to share their thoughts and the connection that our work has to ending hunger in our community.


Number 2: Two Days That Changed People's Lives Forever

October - 2017 - As fall drew near, we had a new staff member join our team. Ken Venables is our new Engagement Manager and will be in charge of ensuring that our events are powerful experiences for our community and supporters. He's new to our community and so this summer was a series of firsts for him. Right out of the gate, Ken got to experience Days Of Impact, our big blitz of community service that has been going on for more than 20 years (as Day of Caring) and now mobilizes hundreds of people in both the spring and fall. After helping move a young homeless veteran into his own home Ken was sold. Here's Ken's blog about the day he learned more about the awesome people in the community he now calls home.


Number 1: Resource Coordinators Rock!

September 2017 - This fall we introduced our four Middle School Resource Coordinators in a series of blogs. Together they make up our number one blog. Each of these women work for United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County but their office is at a local middle school. It is there that they are responsible for organizing the people and resources needed to support students, families and their communities.  See what others loved as they got to know Shari - Asheville Middle School, Ginny - Enka Middle School, and Linnea - Erwin Middle School.

(Just a side note; you may have seen that Shari is leaving us to seek out a new adventure among the big lights of Atlanta in the coming weeks. We are in the midst of interviewing candidates for her position so keep your ears open to see who will carry Shari's torch in the days to come!)

