As adults shift from careers to retirement, many find themselves with a lifetime’s worth of knowledge and experience along with increased time and resources. This enables them to contribute their wisdom and skills to organizations and causes they are passionate about. At United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County (UWABC), we categorize all donors who are retired into an “affinity group” called Retire United.
As part of Retire United, retiree donors receive focused communications that may be of special interest. These communications include information about UWABC programs and activities, invitations to UWABC and affinity group events, and opportunities for volunteer experiences especially linked to UWABC programs.
Wherever individuals are on their retirement journey, there are opportunities to become as informed about and as active in UWABC and the Retire United affinity group as their interests and desires lead them. Active participation in Retire United is one way retirees find to have new kinds of experiences, build new relationships, and give back to their community.
If you are a retiree, or of retirement age, and donate annually to UWABC’s Live United Fund, you already are a part of Retire United. We invite you to explore all that this affiliation has to offer. If you are not yet a UWABC donor, we invite you to donate any amount to the Live United Fund and enjoy the benefits of the Retire United affinity group.
Getting involved in Retire United is a simple process of (a) making an annual donation of any amount to UWABC’s Live United Fund and (b) making decisions about the level of engagement you desire.
- To DONATE to the UWABC Live United Fund, make a gift online or use any of the other donation and billing options described HERE.
- To ENGAGE in Retire United activities, read UWABC communications and choose which volunteer experiences, learning opportunities, and UWABC events interest you.
By actively participating in Retire United and UWABC events and experiences, you will have opportunities to continue to engage in your community, contribute your expertise and talents in support of UWABC programs, and interact with other retirees who contribute their time and strengths toward building a strong and inclusive community.
To learn more about Retire United and how you can get involved, contact Erika Goffin, 828-239-9197, or Steve Shoaf, Retire United Chair, 828-989-8490.
Member Listing
July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023
Rev. S. F. James Abbott
William Abromitis
Laleah Adams
Bob and Peg Adams
Terry Agner
Dr. Gary C. Allen
Marcia Allen
Dick and Judy Allen
Linda and Jerry Ariail
Tommy and Gene Arnold
Joe and Cheryl Aull
Fred and Marcia Ayers
Charles and Stephanie Baer
David D. Bailey and Sherie Ryan-Bailey
Mrs. Janice Baldridge
Daniel and MaryAlice Stickney Bell
Danielle Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Piet B. Bodenhorst
Tom Bolton
Ms. Ann M. Bordeau
Mr. Charles G. Boyd
Virginia and John Brand
Mrs. Lois Breger
Daniel and Linda Brown
David G. and Lin Brown
Ms. Georgina R. Bruce
Ms. Betty R. Bucher
Mr. Tommy Buckner
Nat and Anne Burkhardt
Scott T. Burnette
Dr. and Mrs. Terry Burt
Mr. Richard L. Bury
Tom and Cathy Byers
Sandra Byrd
Ned and Bunny Cabaniss
Ms. Barbara E. Campbell
Mr. Kevin Campbell
Brett and Angie Cannady
Kay Cannon
Tom and Scottie Cannon
RADM Walter H. Cantrell
Charlotte Caplan and Michael Brubaker
Mr. and Fred J. Cardina
Linda S. Cardina
Mr. Gary S. Cash
Dr. and Mrs. William Chambers
Paul Christiansen
Ruth A. Christie
Charles and Patricia Sloan Clogston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Coates
Mrs. Carol Cohen
Celeste and Carleton Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Colon
Marilyn and Roger Core
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Couch
Ms. Mable R. Cowan
Mr. James W. Cox
Mr. Joseph D. Coyle
Nancy and Paul Craig
Ramona and Franklin Creasman
Dr. E. Brown Crosby
Jeanne and Charlie Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Cummings, Jr.
Mrs. Kathryn P. Daughton
Ric Davenport
Madeline Davis
Capt. and Mrs. Allan J. Dawson
Ms. Janet Dektor
Jerry De Land
Ms. Henrietta Dendy
Mr. William C. Dickason
Lynne Courtney Diehl
Ms. Brenda Dowdle
George and Debbie Duncan
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Dunlap
Miles and Millicent Elmore
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Etter
Iris* and Durward Everett
Charitable Fund
Donna and Ted Faber
Vic & Sharon Fahrer
Linda Ferguson
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Fields
Ms. Mary J. Finegan
Mrs. Margaret H. Fouse
Mrs. Ellenor A. Frelick
Lynne and Gary Froeba
Ms. Myra T. Fuller
Linda Gamble
Dr. Robert H. Garrison
Jan and Bob Gelder
Dan and Barbara Gerber
Paula and Stephen Goldman
Randee Goodstadt
Mr. William E. Greene
Carol E. Greenspan
Mr. and Mrs. John Gregg
Jim and Sheri Groce
Betty Hafley
Larry and LuAnn Harris
Alice H. and William A. Hart, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harry Hawk, Sr.
Mrs. Jayne H. Hays
Mr. and Mrs. Jan P. Heermans
Alice Helms
Rex and Peggy Henderson
Edward Stoll and Nancy Herbert
Marjorie and John Hickman
Ms. Iva Joyce Hill
Sara P. Hill
Ms. A. Gail Hipkins
Mrs. Helen D. Hodges
Mr. Harold R. Hogstrom
Elizabeth W. Holden
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Hubbell
Mr. Daniel E. Huger
Richard Hurley
Mrs. Virginia E. Hurley
Janice and Steven Ianniello
Sheila and Jack Ingersoll
Eric and Linda Iovacchini
Dr. Jane E. Lysko and Dr. Edward K. Isbey, III
Sue and Wayne Jacklin
Mr. James S. Jarratt
Vicki and Ed Jenest
John Ellery and Elizabeth Jones
Peter and Diane Jones
Dr. Michael G. Justice
Ron and Sharon Katz
Robert E. and Mercedes Kaufman
Patsy R. Keever
Lucy and Gene Keil
Ann Batchelder and Henri Kieffer
Frances A. Killian
Ms. Mary K. Killough
Mrs. Patricia F. Koonts
Rich and Suzy Landau
Mrs. Lorraine E.B. Lanius
Ms. Diana L. Latta
Rev. J. Michael Leatherwood
Myron and Angela Lepro
Ms. Betty J. Letzig
Rev. Robert Libbey
Virginia K. Linville
John and Lucy
Mr. David M. Lockett
Joseph Luna and Paula O’Hara
Rick and Janna Lutovsky
Albert James
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Mance Jr.
Martin and Kathryn Mann
Ms. Sandra Jeanie Marshall
Marcia and Barry Master
Russel N. McCrimmon
Verna McGaughey
Mrs. Margaret Mitchell
Julie Montanea
Betty Moore
Ms. Jeanne Morelock
Ms. Mary Hillis Morelock
George W. and Judith C. Morosani
Rev. Herbert A. Moyer
Sue and Charlie Mueller
Steve and Kay Nesbitt
Mr. Leon S. Newman, Jr.
Kathy K. Noyes
Keith and Patty Olbrantz
Mr. Julian B. Palien
Mrs. Esther Pardue
Joy Pastucha
Raymond Perrin
John R. Pfaff and David W. Dorn
Bob and Becky Pitts
Penelope and Ray Ponder
Rev. Donald R. Poole, Jr.
Linda F. Poss
Ben and Jeanne Powell
Bitsy and Jim Powell
Mr. Donald G. Price
Richard W. Raiford
Mr. Tom C. Redinger
Mr. Don M. Roberts
Mr. D.C. Robinson
Sandy Rountree
Susie and John Ruhl
Drs. John and Constance Russell
Mr. Frank H. Rutland
Bruce and Teresa Jo Sampson
Mary Margaret and Wade Saunders
Dianne and Charles Sawyer
Ms. Lizabeth A. Schoenheit
Mrs. Judy L. Schroeder
Nancy Schuman
Mr. Gary Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Scully
Michael and Ilona Sena
Shirley Sharpe
Bob and Brenda Shepherd
Steve and Carole Shoaf
Ed Shoff
Mrs. Ann M. Simpson
Mr. Ronald A. Sistrunk* and Mrs. Suzanne Depree
Dr. and Mrs. Mel Skiles
Mr. and Mrs. Canie B. Smith
Frank S. Smith
Ms. Jayne S. Smith
Rickie Sue Smith
Phil and Pat Smith
Mr. William Charles Smith
Ms. Susan M. Snell
Ms. Linda B. Sperath
Mrs. Nancy C. Stancil
Michael Stevenson
David Stewart
Courtenay and Thomas Stierwalt
Mr. Sanford Stoddard
Susanne Swanger
Mr.* and Mrs. Arthur W. Swarthout
John and Kathy Tempelaar-Lietz
Shirley Tenney
Larry and Penni Thompson
Mrs. Moultrie H. Truluck
Mr. Donald W. Turman
James Tyson
Drs. Eric and Susan Van Tassel
Dr. and Mrs. Randall Vanderbeek
Ann Von Brock and Sherman Fearing
Mr. Joseph W. Walker
Pete and Pat Wallenborn
Clyde Waters
Bob Wernet, Jr.
Ann Whaley
David and Jane Whilden
Glenn and Pauline* Wilcox
Dr. Patricia A. Williams
Cheryl and Richard Williams
Larry and Janie Wilson
Mr. Douglas E. Wingeier
William M. Winkler
Susan and Thomas Withrow
Mary Bruce and Stephen W. Woody
Charles and Nancy Worley
Mrs. Sheryl H. Wothke
Major General Clifton Wright
Terry and Pat Wright
Michelle and Joe Yanik
Ms. Sandra T. Yost
Alan G. Young
Richard Young
and 12 Anonymous Donors