The Partnership for Substance-Free Youth in Buncombe County is a coalition of parents, youth, schools, businesses, non-profits, and government agencies in Buncombe county with the goal of preventing and reducing youth substance misuse.
This network is such a crucial group of caring people who work every day for the health and success of youth in our community. The space that Joseph and other leaders on these calls foster for connection across agencies, between schools and community organizations, and for youth voice and leadership is so important!
Find us online at https://www.substancefreeyouth.com/ and on social:
Twitter: @SubstanceFreeBC
Facebook: @SubstanceFreeYouthBuncombeCounty
Instagram: @substancefreebc
Youth council Instagram: @abfuturesmovement
As a member of the United for Youth Network, we commit to:
Supporting youth voices and leadership in Buncombe County:
- Resourcing Asheville Buncombe Futures Movement (ABFM).
- Host City of Asheville Youth Leadership Academy (CAYLA) interns in the work of the partnership.
- Bridge access to youth leadership development opportunities including Student Summit and CADCA Mid-Year Institute.
Prioritizing the health of all Buncombe County youth with a focus on underserved communities:
- Identify, display, and provide substance use education and resources through various community-based strategies.
- Lead and support advocacy efforts to increase access to necessary resources and services in Buncombe County.
- Utilize survey data to inform and modify strategic planning and programmatic efforts to better build upon assets and address identified gaps (needs).
We acknowledge the health of youth is a community effort that requires the participation of the 12 sectors and across the lifespan.