Annie Carpenter, from Mission Health's Marketing and Communications department, eloquently captured the essence of this initiative: "We like to include some type of volunteer activity as a part of our leadership development institutes because the culture of giving and service is what we are about as a hospital and healthcare organization." She further emphasized the importance of community connection, stating, "We like to remind people, when we are all together, that we are part of the community, we are connected to the community beyond just the medical services we provide."

In the heart of Western North Carolina, Mission Health is known across many counties as a leader in health and community care. This was beautifully illustrated during a recent regional conference in mid-May, where Mission Health seamlessly integrated volunteerism into their professional development, showcasing their deep-rooted commitment to the community they serve.
As part of their leadership development, Mission Health invited their long-time partners, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County (UWABC), to provide employees with an opportunity to give back. The goal: to pack over 200 snack packs for students at Owen Middle School, a UWABC Community School. The response from Mission Health employees was overwhelming, with many eagerly participating even before being asked. Over 450 snack packs were packed by the end of the day.
This sentiment resonates deeply with Mission Health's core values. As an operating division of HCA Healthcare based in Asheville, North Carolina, Mission Health is dedicated to improving the health and wellness of people in western North Carolina. With approximately 11,000 colleagues and 2,000 volunteers, their commitment extends far beyond medical care.
The partnership between Mission Health and UWABC is a testament to their shared vision of thriving communities. Both organizations have served the Buncombe County community for over a century, creating a natural synergy in their efforts to support local residents. This collaboration is evident in various initiatives, from annual United Way pledge drives to participation in Hands On Asheville Buncombe, our volunteer branch of UWABC.
Catherine, a Mission Health administrative employee, highlighted the importance of their volunteer efforts, particularly in addressing food insecurity: "I think it's really important for us as a team to help out our local communities, especially in times of food disparities. And we live in a food-deprived area, being as rural as Western North Carolina can get, so I think it is a perfect opportunity to pack these snack packs and get them out to the Owen Middle School kids."
This focus on addressing critical community needs aligns perfectly with Mission Health's purpose of giving people healthier tomorrows and improving more lives in more ways. Their support extends beyond volunteer activities to strategic partnerships, philanthropy, sponsorships, and colleague engagement programs.
As Annie Carpenter aptly put it, "United Way has been such a long-term partner for us in so many ways. To have you guys here, it means a lot that we can encourage folks to donate, to volunteer, and get involved with what you guys are doing for Community Schools." Mission Health's approach to community engagement and partnership with UWABC shows how corporations can integrate social responsibility into their core operations.
By fostering a culture of volunteerism and community support, Mission Health not only enhances the well-being of Western North Carolina residents but also enriches the professional lives of its employees. As Catherine wisely noted, "I'm a firm believer that every little bit of good you do for the community comes back to help you in the end. So that's where my heart is, give when you can."
This philosophy underpins Mission Health's commitment to creating healthier, more vibrant communities and fuels their support it the initiatives at UWABC.
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