In the last few days of November, an enchanting and heartwarming event unfolded as the UNCA Bulldogs Men's Basketball Team embarked on a delightful shopping spree alongside the exuberant children of Horizons at Carolina Day School. This collaborative and joyous occasion, orchestrated with the generous support of UNCA donors and facilitated by United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County (UWABC), transcended mere shopping; it helpd to create meaningful connections and spark pure joy.
With UWABC playing the role of connector, the rendezvous between UNCA athletes and the Carolina Day students was organized and executed with the utmost joy. Witnessing the genuine interactions and shared discoveries between the students and basketball players amidst the aisles of toys was nothing short of heartwarming. The event underscored the importance of creating relationships that are intergenerational and the power of fun mentorship.
This harmonious convergence wasn't an isolated instance of UWABC's involvement with the UNCA men's basketball team; rather, it epitomized their steadfast commitment to engaging with the community. The UNCA Bulldogs and the Horizons at Carolina Day School children have left a warm and fuzzy feeling in our hearts and we could be more excited to see them all out in the community again soon!
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