Volunteer Committee Onboarding Form

First and foremost - THANK YOU for your commitment to our community and for being/becoming a volunteer with us. When you meet with your committee at the start of each year, you will be have an orientation that will demonstrate how your service drives our work and creates lasting change in the areas of Education, Income and Health. We hope this presentation helps you feel even better about your choice to volunteer.

Help Protect Funding for Children

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 01/02/2019 - 11:05am
Thanks to Children First Communities in Schools for providing the following update regarding the inclusion of children in the 2020 federal budget Census. Providing the Census Bureau with adequate funding of $4.46 billion to do its job will ensure accurate allocation of federal funding for the infrastructure and programs that we all depend on. It is essential that the Census undertake a complete and accurate count of everyone in the U.S.

As We Step Into 2019

I hope you will indulge me the opportunity to share a more personal message as we close out this year and charge headlong into 2019. 


A few months ago, I quietly announced that I will be retiring effective May 1, 2019. After a 33 year career with local United Ways, 22 of those years here in Asheville and Buncombe County, it’s a bittersweet moment. But, I’m ready to hang up my jacket and tie and replace them with a fly fishing rod and a box of flies!

RFP Announced for 2019-22 Grant Cycle

Submitted by Elisabeth on Mon, 12/03/2018 - 12:21pm
The Board of Directors of United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County is pleased to announce the availability of grant funding for a three-year cycle beginning July 1, 2019. This is a competitive grant process focused on improving key outcomes in the areas of education, health and financial stability. As a result of this process, up to 35, 3-year grants will be awarded to agencies that currently receive United Way grant funding. 

Greenville Team Visits Asheville to See Our Early Warning and Response System

Submitted by Elisabeth on Wed, 11/07/2018 - 12:03pm
In 2013, United Way Worldwide issued an opportunity for local United Ways from across the country to work together to learn how to build better support for youth through the development and use of an Early Warning and Response System (EWRS). Our United Way and United Way of Greenville County (South Carolina) were two of the nine organizations chosen.